18 05, 2020

Cyber Coverage – An Increased Demand

According to a Marsh Risk Management Research report – the demand for Cyber Coverage has increased 21% across all industries in 2013 compared to 2012. The Klein Agency continues to see interest in cyber coverage from our clients, so please inquire about the capabilities being offered by our carriers.

18 05, 2020

Defense Costs Outside the Policy Limits

For the past 30 years, the Klein Agency has been successful in providing defense costs outside the limits of liability for most of our civil/surveying clients. Below is an real life example of how this coverage protected one of our clients from having to pay in excess of $200,000 after an insured claim. A Surveyor/Civil Engineering Client (with policy limits of $1,000,000 each claim / $1,000,000 aggregate; $10,000 deductible) was named in a suit, with an insurance carrier that had defense outside the limits of liability. The plaintiff originally sued the Client for damages in excess of $1,000,000. This was [...]

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